辻大地 つじだいち  コンテンポラリーアーティストのホームページ D

テキスト エッセイの目次 text list
1,Statement [ Japanese new portrait ]
2,Subjectivity of swinging Japan
3,Structure of art scene in Japan

4,Weak point of education of art in Japan
5,Drawing and healing.
6,The one that characteristic of painting was classified


副題1 「ART」と「表現」の違い
副題2 「物語」「文脈」「戦略」をつくれない大人たち










Weak point of education of art in Japan

sub-title1 Difference between "ART" and "Expression"

sub-title2 Adults who cannot make "Story", "Context", and "Strategy"

There is a person who says, "The art is free" or "It only has to do a favorite thing" when the art is spoken. The person who says, "The art is refined and difficult" or "If the context of art history is not understood, the art is not good" on the other hand also says. On earth, it be which?

Then, I want to speak this contradiction through the developmental stage of the expression of the child.

The person draws the picture from 1-years old half furnace to 5-years old time (day nursery and kindergarten age), and learns variety through "Expression activity" that makes the one. It is, and understands it is an instinctive activity that the expression activity is important for the person's growth in five main areas of the kindergarten , saying that "Expression", "Word", "Interpersonal relationship", "Health", and "Environment".

The expression activity at this time is accepted to parents of expressed what and the teacher and grows up while filling it the approval desire. Moreover, sympathy and sympathy to others are brought up by doing the expression activity in the group.

Next, six years old?Ten-years old time (early elementary school years) becomes deep from parents and the teacher relate to the friend, and makes a secret base in cooperation with the friend, and make-believe play and "Forming play" are done and worth and the activity become more active. The standing position in the group and the role ..[yancha] called a so-called gang age.. are acquired by acting while expanding the horizontal relationship though about [nen].

The story of the group that also makes the picture feel the myth and the fantasy is drawn and a crowded description is developed.

Well, one-years old half ?The picture that continues to ten-years old time is lacked and the expression activity that makes the thing ends around in passing ten-years old time (the upper-grade of the elementary school?) little by little. The concern shifts from "Expression" to "Contextual thing, theoretical thing, and technical thing" at this time when it can have the brain cells of just the same number as the adult. This shows the shift of the concern from "Expression" to "Art as a cultural system".

Ten years old?Learning "Art as the culture" and "Art as the system" in addition to "Expression" at 15-year-old time becomes important for supporting the intellect of mature adult beauty. Moreover, a cultural, historical understanding of the art of the world is a necessary, indispensable in act in the international society education. It comes to be able to think about "Story" in the field and "Strategy" for the first time by understanding the history and the context of a certain field regardless of the art. However, the hand doesn't turn to such a place to our regret in the construction of the drawing of the elementary school in present Japan. I think that here is a weak point of the education of the art of Japan.

The art education from ten years old that study becomes busy is often the expression acts as the self-caring that makes the best use of te waza that the textbook heals the weary head by study thinly (It is about 1/10 of the United States textbooks) above.

I think that understanding to the art as "Culture" and "System" is scarce while many of Japanese are valuing "Expressed happiness" and "Sympathize with others" as a result of such an art education, and "Contradiction of the understanding of the art" about which it talks first is born. Moreover, inventing new "Story" and "Strategy" thinks there are a lot of adults not good to be related such a problem.

はじめてのお絵かき (うちの子はピカソ)







テキストの目次 text list
1,Statement [ Japanese new portrait ]
2,Subjectivity of swinging Japan
3,Structure of art scene in Japan

4,Weak point of education of art in Japan
5,Drawing and healing.
6,The one that characteristic of painting was classified

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