辻大地 つじだいち  コンテンポラリーアーティストのホームページ Daichi Tsuji Contemporary artist in Japan 現代美術 絵画 ドローイング 作品 テist ジ Daichiapan 現代美術 絵画 ドローイング 作品紹介

テキスト エッセイの目次 text list
1,Statement [ Japanese new portrait ]
2,Subjectivity of swinging Japan
3,Structure of art scene in Japan

4,Weak point of education of art in Japan
5,Drawing and healing.
6,The one that characteristic of painting was classified







かわいい と 神秘性

母性的な視点のひとつで世界語になりつつある「かわいい」は超母性社会の表象的特徴のひとつである。 母性的な眼差しをもつ日本人は「子供」や「自然」、「未熟なもの」「はかないもの」を愛でる文化を発展させてきた。




(image 4)の興福寺の阿修羅は東京国立博物館の展覧会で80万人を集めたほどの人気のある像であるが子供の無垢性に神秘性を感じる表現としてすばらしい彫刻である。ひげを生やしているが明らかにその体躯は少年のものであり、お釈迦様の説法を聞いて仏法に目覚めた瞬間を捉えたような童心のような面立ちである。
このような表現は聖徳太子の二才の像(image 6)を信仰する太子信仰にもみられる。

かわいい と 小動物

つぎに(image 7)などの小動物の根付は現代の携帯電話のキャラクターストラップ(image 8)に通じるものがある。小動物やお花などの「未熟なもの、はかないものを慈しみ育てる」文化は日本画のメインテーマ「花・鳥・風・月」によくあらわれる主題でもあり、日本人の感性をよくあらわしている。そして、このようなものを評価する言葉として「かわいい」KAWAIIという言葉・感性を発展させてきた。



かざり と コピー&ペースト


また日本の絵画は過去の優れた作品の良いところを模倣し、切り取り、合成して新しい作品を作ってきた。私の作品も江戸時代の画家、伊藤若冲の絵など過去の作品をを引用している(image 2、12)。私はこのような引用を装飾的な役割だけで利用するのではなく、過去の日本絵画の中に表現されている日本人の感性や思想を現代に表象することで、私たちの主体性を形成していくヒントを提示することができるのではないかと思って引用している。


日本人アーティスト村上隆氏が表明している「SUPER FLAT」も母性社会の特徴である平等主義の一形体だと考えなおすこともできる。母性的な性質は全ての子どもを平等に優しく包み込む。それは母の元にいるという条件付のものではあるのだが、村社会や農耕社会、現在では会社主義において見られる典型的な日本の社会の構造である。共同体の中ではルールを守り、傘下にいる限りは自立的な主体性を持たなくても母性的なものに個人は守られている。この特徴が過度になると、すべてを包み込むやさしさが、すべてを呑み込む暗黒の闇になる。

村上隆氏による「SUPER FLAT」や「LITTLE BOY」展で言説されている、アメリカ軍にOSを抜かれた未成熟な幼い日本というイメージは欧米の父性的な視点に立ったとき感じるイメージで、もともと日本は強い父性的なOSを持たない母性的な社会だったといえるのではないだろうか。











関連テキスト 「欲望について」思想家、内田樹著
Japanese new portrait
Mature maternal culture in Japan

The point of being composed of the motherhood principle characterized in "Inclusion" is written by Atsushi Eto in Japan in 1967"Loss of maturity" while composed of the paternity principle that Europe and America is characterized in "Cut". "The Anatomy of Dependence" Written by [**] of Takeshi Doi in 1971. "Pathology of motherhood social Japan" It has been pointed out written by Kawai [hayabusaosu] etc. in 1976.

Rice farm is transmitted from China in Japan in about the second century, and the farming culture that makes group cooperation and helping an axis has been formed. China and after that, located Japan has developed into modern ages moreover geographically by passive [surukoto] in the frontier in a continental cultural area in China the culture from Europe and America. The culture who it is the outside because it produces a voluntarily new cultural situation and is father is efficiently absorbed and a passivity extremely and high as it is possible to apply it a motherhood culture has been brought up.

The motherhood society was supplemented in front of the Pacific War with the U.S. military, and a formal paternal rights system to chase it more smoothly was set up as a social system. However, the dismantlement of a paternal rights system proceeded to castrate the relapse of the militarism by the intervention of the U.S. military after the war, and social systems of the vertical society and the patriarchy, etc. were dismantled. And, the motherhood society in Japan strengthens and has been transfigured to the super-motherhood society more and more after the war in a botchy year of Kon for 60 years.

Cultural symbol "Child" and "Small animals" of super-motherhood society"Nature"

"Nature "Child" and "Small animals" "" etc. often appear in the motif that I describe. [Detekuru] ..repeat by nature and these motifs while keeping drawing the picture for ten years.. though motifs of the intentions from the beginning it were not chosen. And, a motherhood aspect and the preference were discovered to be there when searching for the common feature of these motifs. When a cultural feature of Japan was caught as a symbol in the motherhood society again, words such as "It was lovely" and "Healed" and "Raise it" are given as a key word of the art. I think that my work can be related to the feature of a cultural symbol of Japan based on these key words by the following texts.

When it is lovely, it is a mystique.

"It is lovely" that is becoming a universal language one of the motherhood aspects is one of the symbolized features of the super-motherhood society. A motherhood eye difference [shiwomotsu] Japanese has developed the culture that admires "Child" and "Nature", "Immature the one", and "Ephemera".
In Europe and America where the original sin idea exists

"The child is castrated. "
"Nature that is the outside is conquered. " "Maturity is respected more than immature. " There is "The eternities have been being valued more than the ephemera" tendency.

Be just twin with this in Japan.

"The child was spoilt, and loved. " "The mystique is felt in child's purity. " "Nature is worshiped. " "The immature one was loved and raised. " "The ephemera is loved" tendency was strengthened.

(image 4)[**] sura in ..drinking.. Kofuku-ji Temple is a wonderful sculpture to child's purity as the expression that feels the mystique of the popularity of the gathering of about 800,000 people by the exhibition of Tokyo National Museum though is an image. walkThe body obviously belongs to the boy, and [mentachi] like the child's mind that catches the moment that awoke to a French method because it hears preaching the Buddha externals though the beard is grown.
Such an expression is seen also by the Crown Prince belief that believes in Shotokutaishi's two-year-old image (image 6).

When it is lovely, it is small animals.

Next, there is something that runs to character strap (image 8) of a modern cellular phone with the root of small animals such as (image 7). "The immature one and the ephemera are loved and raised" cultures such as small animals and flowers are subjects that often appear to main theme "Flower, bird, style, and moon" of the Japanese style painting, and a Japanese sensibility is shown well, too. And, the word and the sensibility named "It is lovely" KAWAII have been developed as a word that evaluates such the one.

Healing IYASHI

On the other hand, the part of darkness that swallows everything is kept secret though the inclusion that is the feature of motherhood has easiness that wraps everything. Moreover, it does to the change of the outside sensitively always staring about in a passive motherhood society, and when something might be new it, passive [shiyoutosuru]. And, a realism extremely, long-term, and thought judgment tends not to be done, and to judge the method of passive of that from a short-term, realistic profit-and-loss arithmetic. It is easy for such a system for the load of the passive work to grow when there is a wild swing in the movement of an outside society and to cause the mental stress.
Another [detekita] cultural feature heals to supplement a minus part in such a motherhood society and "IYASI". Healing chiefly set a mental utopia outside though brought the relief of the mind and it was supplemented. There were a yearning to the yearning and Europe and America to China (Tang Dynasty thing) and devices as a mental balance was kept by setting the paradise paradise and the nirvana in the religion. It was ..the set.. though the role of paternity who kept motherhood was also formal for the outside and.
(* Healing physical took a hot spring bath was omitted this time. )

Adornment and copy & paste

In another feature of motherhood, there is adornment. The act of decorating a rich emotion frankly shows the symbol of love and the inclusion.
It is limitless the folding screen picture, [fusumae], the kimono of Japan, and to decorate the garden beauty etc. no detailed here reference if it gives it.
If one feature of a Japanese decoration is given, the goodness of workmanship to which an abstract pattern of nature is stylized aesthetic is given. It is visualization of cultural manners that replace the outside and foreign body [namono] different from me like nature and the wild, etc. with an abstract style and are steady.

Moreover, the painting of Japan imitates, cuts out, synthesizes the merit of a past, excellent work, and has made a new work. The painter in Edo period and the picture etc. of [waka**] Ito quote work [wowo] in my work of the past (image 2,12). I am quoting it thinking that the hint that forms our subjectivity can be presented by symbolizing a Japanese sensibility and the thought that doesn't use such a quotation only in decorated role but is expressed in a past Japanese painting at the present age.

SUPER FLAT egalitarianism

It can be thought that it is one geometric feature of egalitarianism whose "SUPER FRAT" that Japanese artist Takashi Murakami is declaring is a feature of the motherhood society again. A motherhood character wraps all children equally and gently. It is a structure of the society in typical Japan seen in the company principle the Murakoso association, the farming society, and now though it is the one with the condition it is in mother's origin. It keeps the rules in the community, and the individual is being defended by the motherhood one as long as it is in the subsidiary though it doesn't have an independent subjectivity. When this feature becomes excessive, easiness that wraps everything becomes the dark of darkness that swallows everything.

The image named immature, young Japan from which OS was pulled out by "SUPER FRAT" and the "LITTLE BOY" exhibition by Takashi Murakami by remark theory [sareteiru] and the U.S. Army is due to a paternity aspect of Europe and America, and it might be able to be said originally that Japan was a motherhood society without paternity strong OS.

What is a mature subjectivity in the motherhood society?

There is construction of the Japanese of the subjectivity or a problem of forging a self-identity in the one that annoyed the Japanese since the Meiji era when the modernization of Japan started and still annoys it.
The Japanese might look young, and move as immature existence not to understand about what you think if it sees from the Europe and America people.
There seems to be no one that still succeeded though various challenges were done by literature and the education since it is modern when the Japanese also establishes an Europe and America ego.
Why cannot you become independent?It severs motherhood by effort by paternity cutting power, it becomes independent mentally, and the identity is established because of coming to stop the Japanese. Independence in Japan becomes isolated from the motherhood society.

Then, I think whether there is a mature motherhood, differ from a paternity subject of Europe and America, subjectivity. Because it is the one that stands in relations with not actually a Japanese subjectivity relative, and one that comes out from the inside but the outside and appears, it is not thought whether. It apologizes because of a cramped story.
For instance, it relatively becomes an adult standpoint by raising and loving child and young the one and ephemera without ideally defining, "Growing up is [kouikotoda]" before one is aware and the subjectivity is established. The historical educational industry of industry in a sensibility and various Japan that loves young the one and ephemera such as the above-mentioned flower and bird style moons richness seems to be large depending on such a place.

Moreover, fixing a subjectivity and an adult concept in the motherhood society will obstruct passive flexibility. The necessity of a mental subject and the adult kept in the state of "Empty" "0" was historical and geographic while it was made to correspond to the change in the rule of the external (paternity) quickly each other.
It becomes others and an arbitrator with the external pressure for outside and uneasiness is fueled for, and the panic is that a mature adult role there to be healed the becoming it group consciousness and that becomes an arbitrator who has them settle down. It can be said that the role as the arbitrator will be mortgaged without a strong subject. The sensibility that makes the center of such a subject a blank can be seen in various points of the Japanese culture such as the world of the zen, sense of beauties of the blank, and the grove of a village shrines.

What is the subjectivity in the motherhood society? ,in a word,

It matures by cherishing the immature one and raising it.

It grows up when raising it the adult "Grow up" [wakaraimama] and the child.

It can be said that it is the one of relative.

Well, it is large depending on the cultural context and the context of such Japan that the motif of the child, small animals, and nature appears repeatedly as a modern Japanese portrait though it thinks my work to be classified into the portrait in the genre.

It can be thought that it was an act of looking for how to establish how to adult's for us to become through portraying the portrait if it is a saying frog and the subjectivity.

Related text "Desire" philosopher and [kicho] Uchida

Image 1
2010  91×72.7cm  oil and acryl on canvas Daichi Tsuji 

Image 2
1765 Jakuchu Ito watercolor pigment on paper
伊藤若冲 南天雄鶏図  

Image 3
2010  91×72.7cm  oil and acryl on canvas Daichi Tsuji

Image 4
興福寺 阿修羅像 天平時代 
The 8th century in Tenpyou
Kofuku-ji Temple Ashura Statue

Image 5
部分 Part

Image 6
聖徳太子二才像 鎌倉時代 
The 12th century in Kamakura
two years old Shoutoku Taishi Statue

Image 7
江戸時代 豆鼠木彫根付
The 19th century in Edo
Netsuke wood carving root

Image 7
The 19th century in Edo
Netsuke wood carving monkey

Image 8
2008 Mobile phone lanyard Kitty

Image 9
2009  91×72.7cm  oil and acryl on canvas Daichi Tsuji

Image 10

Image 11
2010  91×65.2cm  oil and acryl on canvas Daichi Tsuji

Image 12
1765 Jakuchu Ito watercolor pigment on paper
伊藤若冲 雪中雄鶏図

Image 13
2010  91×72.7cm  oil and acryl on canvas Daichi Tsuji

Image 14
The 18th century in Kyoto
 Jakuchu Ito indian ink on paper
伊藤若冲 蓮・牡丹図 部分

テキストの目次 text list
1,Statement [ Japanese new portrait ]
2,Subjectivity of swinging Japan
3,Structure of art scene in Japan

4,Weak point of education of art in Japan
5,Drawing and healing.
6,The one that characteristic of painting was classified

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